Why a walkthrough of a five year old game? Well, Skylines is fun. It is pretty. It makes you think. It gives you some creative freedom. And it let's you have power over your surroundings -- something we seldom have in the corporeal world. Mostly it is because after 220 hours playing Skylines I can still remember how very frustrated I was trying to learn. There are plenty of tutorials out there, but "tutorials" is probably not the correct term. Most were simply game play footage where folks tried out new features not knowing where their steps would lead. They included a lot of content that wasn't available in the main game and didn't bother to explain to those new to the adventure WHY their screens didn't look like the example. It was more depressing than helpful. Angst. Confusion. Frustration? You got it. So this is my bid to help those that want to explore Skylines a better chance at a pleasant experience. Read ...