Busy Town

There are new buildings and policies and such in Busy Town but the best addition for me are the new roads.    These not only look pretty, some help cut down noise pollution. 

The traffic in our western industrial area is getting busy so let's enlarge that road.

There are two ways to change a road. You can (sometimes) upgrade the existing road.

To do that you select the road that you want to change to as well as the UPDATE method to the left of the road selection.

Then you click on top of the existing road and each piece will change to the new style.  If a road can't be upgraded as you would like, you will get a message telling you.

I added a geothermal plant (GREEN CITIES so you likely won't have that) at the end of the western industrial district. If I would have been thinking ahead more, I would have waited to do that until AFTER upgrading the road. 

In this can we cannot upgrade without demolishing the geothermal plant and we really don't wan to do that.   So deleting the existing road and putting in a new four lane road is the method to use.

The four lane road will work best if it covers a large area and leads back to the freeway.   A new road by the residential area is needed.    In this case (and OFTEN) I had to make the four lane road in two steps; one to the two lane road and the other to match up with the road by the power plant.

In order to finish the four sided wider road the park will need to be moved. You can move any service building, park or unique building by clicking on the building and choosing "relocate building".  Then move the highlighted object to a new place. 

If you make a mistake with your roads you can bulldoze them quickly and get a partial refund.  

This is how the city looked as it made its way into the next level, Big Town.

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