Tiny Town

The city has reached a thousand citizens now.  A good time to reflect.

Remember that I am using the GREEN CITIES style of building so my houses and shops will likely look different from yours. 

The stats are:

$70,838 in the bank
$1,146 weekly income (this of course fluctuates)
Happy people.

It also is a good time to check some of the information available in from the left sidebar -- like power and water and garbage and such.

Power is looking good with all buildings blue and the usage meter well over in the green. So we will have enough to enlarge out city for a little while.

Water also has good coverage.

All buildings are covered (green roads) for garbage.

There is plenty of room in the elementary school but our citizenship isn't all that educated yet.  For a farming community we want them fairly educated but not so much that they are unwilling to work at lower paying jobs.

Changing to the HIGH SCHOOL tab we find that there are 133 eligible kids that need a school.  Let's put that on the todo list, but maybe not right now (your choice of course).

HEALTH care is OK but not great with only 64% of the folks being in good health.   And we still don't have a FIRE STATION so all buildings are at risk.

New abilities await us at the Tiny Town level.

Along with some new policies, there is also landscaping, PARKS (woot) and some new unique buildings.

There are also canals, but I haven't been interested in them at all so we are going to skip over those.


The residential level needs to be enlarged as well. Let's look at a "smart" way to maximize our land area.

This is a review with added info. 

I chose to move south from the existing residential zone taking advantage of the river view and moving away from the noise pollution of the turbine area.  I added an angled road from the eastern boarder of existing residential.  The house marked in read shows that it will be bulldozed automatically when I make that road.

If you look carefully at the preview of the road placement you can make areas that are completely  -- or in this case almost completely -- filled. This maximizes your land usage but it is a CHOICE, not a mandate.  There are good reasons for leaving greenspace too and we'll see those soon.

You do not need to ONLY use the big dots in the road as anchor points; you can start and end roads in various places. Sometimes though you will not be able to make the road just as you want it. If your proposed road shows red instead of blue you might try going from the opposite direction. Sometimes that works fine.

Here is the completed residential area. While each area doesn't HAVE to have easy entry and exit (as in a through road without having to turn around) it is better for the service industries. On the other hand too many intersections close together can clog traffic. So use your best judgement and be willing to make some changes if your first try doesn't turn out well.


Parks are one of this levels perks and a welcomed addition to your city. Parks make people happy -- especially as the city becomes large and greenspaces more sought after.

As you scroll though possible park options you can see the weekly cost associated with the selection as well as it entertainment rating.  The dog park is very handy as it is small (5 x 5) and seemingly well loved by the citizens.  The "small park" (default in blue on the left) isn't that small but its upkeep is only $8 a week so easy on the budget. There is also a basketball court  as well as plazas (better for bigger cities in my point of view) on other tabs.

This shows the area of influence for the dog park.  It makes a large portion of the town happier.


Another bit of newness let's us add trees and bushes to our plots.

The landscaping tool let's you add a large variety of trees of varying sizes.  Each tree or bush or rock set cost $10 with no weekly maintenance fee. So a bargain at making your city look better. The trees arrive in various sizes as you place them down. The bushes can be rotated using you secondary mouse button.  Have fun.

Be sure and check to see what new UNIQUE BUILDINGS are available.

Things to watch out for:

While working at this level I had an issue with the sewage treatment.  I haven't had this before in any city but it is the first time I have used the "ecological" drain pipes so that could be the difference. Normally water availability and  sewage treatment are pretty much in line with one another.   If this should happen in your city simply add another drain pipe being SURE it is active and working and hooked up to the water system.

The same would be true when you run low on water. You will then need to add another pump to the system.


If money becomes and issue you can safely raise taxes in the budget pane. Don't go too high though as your citizens may up and leave :D.

Keep working on growing your city and keeping folks happy. Soon you will be in BOOM TOWN.

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