Worthy Village

Lots of newness at this level so scroll through the options -- available by hitting the MILESTONES icon in the lower left corner.


The DISRICTS tool lets you define  an area which can have various policies and features.  You can have many districts -- each with its own character and rules.

Let's make our first District.  When I defined the area of the beginning of our city I purposefully chose a place where AGRICULTURE could flourish.   So our first district will be a farming community.

Choose the DISTRICT tool from the bottom toolbar. The first panel will give you a choice of including or excluding an area for the district using a paint brush type tool.

Draw around the area that you want to include in your district.

Next define the type of industry that you district will have. Note that we could have ONLY selectively brushed the industrial area of the town if we were only interested in defining the industry product. The above shot is AFTER I defined the district and chose how it should run.   Once you paint over the area to make a district, it is given a default name. I will explain how to change the name in a bit. 

In this case we want to choose farming.  If you look closely at the map (or did as we were starting) you could see that the area in the vicinity of industrial buildings was a yellowish green instead of the predominate "boreal" grass color.  This means that a farming industry would do well here.  The MORE yellow, the more likely your Cims will be growing crops. If the land isn't that fertile the area will still be farming after you have defined it, it just won't be sheep and cows and grains etc.

Once you click on the tractor icon then you need to click on the district to transfer the "farming products" dictate to that district.   Make sure you can see the tractor icon under the district name.

As you remember our industrial area was previously a mix of various types  -- many of them highly polluting.  This photo shows the outcome of our changes. The industrial part is now farm products. Both farming and forestry are renewable resources AND have no pollution connected with their activities. Coal and oil apparently produce more tax revenue.  I haven't used those and don't plan to :D.

If you click on the name of your district (a default name appears first) you can then click on the name in the information box and change the name of the district. If that doesn't work on your first try, hit the escape key to get out of a tool you are using.

In THIS example I have also changed the residential and commercial buildings to match those in the GREEN CITIES pack. Most of you won't have those options. If you look at the previous screenshots and compare them though, you can see that both houses and stores changed styles. You will only be able to define the type of industry. Industries in the base game will have different levels of "fanciness".  By providing services and keeping the folks happy you can raise the building levels and thus raise the tax revenue.


You can now set some policies.  If you want to dictate policies for the WHOLE city (nine square in all) then you can do that using the POLICIES icon (check box) in the bottom toolbar. If you want to set policies for just the district you can do that by clicking on the POLICIES button on the informational pane.  That pane also

Different polices are added as the game progress and various polices are also including in the different add-on packs.


Those of you really paying attention may have noticed that my industry guys are out of power AGAIN.  So another turbine is called for.   You can keep close watch on power, water, garbage and other city services in the left hand sidebar.


Around this point in the game your citizens will start complaining about crime.  It is time to add a police station -- this keeps folks wanting to join the community.   You can also add a fire station, but if you are watching your money it might be good to hold off on that for awhile. If a house catches on fire you can just bulldoze it and a new house will be built on the same plot.

Hover over the pile of ash and click with the bulldozer active.   You may need to click the bulldozer to get the right mode to blast the ruins.

Keep adding to your city and soon you will reach the next level, Tiny Town.

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