Boom Town

Boom town brings with it a lot of newness -- most of which isn't needed at this level (my opinion anyway :D). 

One perk is the ability to buy a new area of land.  To see the land available, click on the AREA button (globe at the left bottom part of the screen).

As you click on the various squares it shows you information about that parcel. 

The city will be growing and with that our industry. Right now there is only one way to get products in and out -- the freeway.  If industry can have an alternate means that would be good.  There are two plots that have rail service. One of those would be the best.   You can buy a plot now if you like or wait until later. You will be offered nine squares in all as the game progresses.  There is still oh so much to do in the square we have now :D.

Another bit of newness is the bus line.  Honestly buses don't produce income and are needed when the traffic gets bad so I see no reason to put in a bus line at this level.

One of the new buildings we may need is the cemetery.  As the population ages death is inevitable.  Adding eldercare may slow the date down some.   When you see flashing skulls on your screen you'll know to start looking for a good place to plop your final resting area.   Each cemetery sends out hearses to pick up those departed.   If dead bodies stay in buildings too long, the plots get abandoned.  So cemeteries are quite important.   

Another handy addition is a higher powered wind turbine.  Those get placed on WATER rather than land.   You can use these new ones or stick with the older ones or another form of power generation.  Eventually there will be more power choices. 

The Biofuel depot is part of GREEN CITIES and is used when setting up the biofuel bus lines. ]

Here is what "I" chose to do in this segment:

I started a new industrial area over on the west. It already has power from the nearby turbine. I added more commercial areas between the existing industry and the residential section.   I used a park, the botanical garden (under parks) and a cemetery to bridge the power grid.   If you look over in the top left corner you can see my first body ready to be picked up.   I built all this with the game on pause.   

I ran out of power yet again and added two more turbines bulldozing nearby houses as the folks near noise pollution tend to get sick often.  Then I zoned for more housing and commercial and added an eldercare facility near the large residential area.  A new industrial support area appears in the West. 

As you build keep an eye on pollution. I suggest leaving a buffer around polluter assets.  We will be able to cut down on some of that landfill brownness in the future.  

Keep working on your city. Watch the power and water usage and don't forget those parks in the residential areas. It won't be long until you reach the next level, Busy Town.

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