Final Thoughts

Well Blogger changed the interface after a decade or so. Great perhaps for folks posting from phones but NOT from computers -- at least not mine which has forms inaccessible and off the screen.  So here are my final thoughts. 

You have a great start with your city I hope!

We have arrived at Grand City and hopefully your city is looking pretty grand -- mine is.   

The new building at this level is the Solar Power Plant, my personal favorite form of electricity.  

At the Capital City level you are offered harbors.  The Cargo Harbor is very helpful for industry and if well placed can cut down on traffic issues.  

A little tricky to place, the shipping lines are already decided, so simply move the harbor around the edges of your shoreline to see where placement is possible. Remember that you will need a road to the harbor so putting on a very steep incline will be difficult (but possible :D).   

The passenger harbor helps with tourism.   

For those with GREEN CITIES, the Eco water treatment plant lets you clean up your water to almost pristine levels. 

At 24,000 my city is growing quickly. I was VERY happy to see the eco water treatment plants become available (GREEN CITIES ONLY).  I bulldozed all the pipes and turbines (only a few at a time) and switched out to the upgrade. Not only will the water be cleaner but it looks better too. Any my citizens are happier.

It is also time to add more water pumps. This area is supplying the water for three squares at the moment. The folks at the end of the water lines will NOT be happy if that water stops coming out of the tap.

This is the original area of the pumps and the city has built up around those. The new solar energy plant is also in this area.  

I haven't used any of the buildings in the Colossal City offerings. I didn't realize I had the Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Plant (GREEN CITIES) but will definitely try that soon.  

Airports are available once you reach the Metropolis level. You will need a LARGE and FLAT area for your airport so keep that in mind as you are building towards this goal.

The final level open ups Monuments.   


This is a bit confusing but I will try to explain clearly.  

Monument when finally acquired can be placed in your city and will change the way your city works.   The Eden Project for example eliminates pollution -- or lessens it a great deal depending on how much you have.  The Medical Center can keep all your citizens healthy so no need for hospitals and clinics any longer.

The futuristic miracle buildings change the way the game works -- especially the Hadron Collider.  

In order to unlock a Monument you will need to place a selection of Unique buildings in your city. There are some very difficult steps to unlock some of the Unique Buildings.  You can find what you need to do by mousing over the black silhouette of the Unique Buildings.   There are some Unique Buildings that aren't part of the Monument Quest.    

In order to place all the monuments you will need LOTS of money and it will take time. Whether you want them as part of your game is up to you. Only a very small percentage of folks have all the monuments unlocked and even less all placed in their game.   

Hadron Collider

 Once you place the monuments -- especially it seems the Hadron Collider which educates your citizens instantaneously (who knows how) it becomes very difficult for your population to grow. Unemployment rises dramatically even though there are plenty of jobs to be filled. Apparently the people just don't see why they should be working. Eventually you can have a balanced city again, but it isn't the same. So I suggest saving a copy of your city WITHOUT the Monuments placed -- just in case you want to continue as before.  

Happy city building!!!!!

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